So – a little reluctantly I logged onto Zoom on Tuesday morning… – It was epic!
Here’s a snapshot of what I learned:
- Fostering a positive mindset is not just nice to have – it’s a must!
- Vision + Beliefs + Actions change the world!
- I must align my efforts with my passion!
- If I am fully clear on my WHY – I don’t need to worry about the How and the What – it will come to me.
- I’ve seen this video clip from Simon Sinek multiple times – yet this time it totally sunk in!
- First and foremost there is ONE requirement when running my own business: Commitment.
- The 100/0 rule applies to deliver an excellent service and make Rutz Consulting a successful business!
- 100% commitment
- 0 excuses!
- Fear has the most destructive effect! Yet, fear is a projection of something that might never happen.
- The mindset of overcoming resistance – an advert starring Lindsey Vonn demonstrates this beautifully! It takes work, it takes training! It would be so much easier to “stay home”
- Sometimes there are misfortunes! They may be painful in the moment – but are there to tell me something bigger. Winston Churchill said: “If you are going through Hell – Keep going”
- Play a bigger game!
Watch out! There is a lot to do at Rutz Consulting!
The 5 most popular Contact Centre Outsourcing Locations
Drumroll please!
Last week I attended the presentation of the 5 most popular locations for Contact Centres. Here they are:
1) India – it has taken the top spot again – the previous 2 years this position was held by the Philippines. It is clear that India has a lot to offer for English speaking support. But it will be interesting to see what will happen after Covid-19! Not because Working from Home can’t be done, it’s more that people don’t have fast internet, never mind somewhere to work!
2) South Africa – for quite some time now, this has been the runner up. Many of the big outsourcers run fabulous contact centres, English and Multilingual in SA. Yet – it never quite made it to the top spot yet. Mainly due to cost!
3) Philippines – This surprised me; for many years the Philippines have been either first or second. There are issues with cost, with Business Continuity and also with getting the right level of skill. Good for technical, back office functions – not so great for customer facing interactions.
4) Malaysia – Now here is one of my favourites – one to be watched. Of course I’m a little biased, having set up the Signify contact centre in Kuala Lumpur in 2019, multilingual – we hired 13 Asian languages!
5) Poland – no surprise to me! All Eastern European Countries are on the rise! Nearshore is the word!
There is a lot to be said for finding the right location to set up your contact centre! Hence Rutz Consulting is always working very closely with our clients on their vision, their expectations but also their budget when designing an outsourcing strategy.
What’s happening on The Operational Excellence Podcast?
This week we are talking about all things performance! Maintaining a high performing home working team has proven to be a difficult task, especially for frontline, first line managers. I spoke to a number of people in the industry and found that 80% of the leaders struggled to communicate performance related issues to their teams!
Listen to my top 3 tips how to communicate with your teams in difficult times below, Episode 17.
If you are looking for documentation, the shift plan & game plan on how to structure your team manager’s (or your own) day – go back toEpisode 6.
And if you are looking to follow through on individuals performance, then Episode 8 will give you guidance on how to do that!
To be successful in our industry you need the 4 C’s!

I’d love to hear your feedback on these episodes! If you like them – would you give us a 5 star review on Apple Podcast? This will help new listeners to find us more easily as we move up the ranking!
We exceeded the 500 downloads mark last week! And… we are present in 30 countries!
From the bottom of my heart – thank you! This would not be possible without you.
Have a wonderful week and stay safe.
Warm regards
P.S I’m quietly working on something really exciting for the industry! Love being in my Zone of Genius!