green rubber fig plant

Growing a plant vs growing a business

How would you put into words the steps you’ve taken to grow your business? Or if you are just starting out, what steps do you have planned?

When you are running your business, there are so many avenues to consider and sometimes, naturally, this is very overwhelming. Yet I wanted to take the time to put some simple steps down, and the best way I can do this is in comparison. If you take for example the steps you would take to grow a plant, let’s consider the following…

  • What plant would suit you? This is quite possibly the most important step before beginning or even growing your business. You want to choose a plant that suits your skills, likewise with a business, your business is likely created around your zone of genius or expertise. What may be suitable for you may not be suitable for others. What may thrive for others, may not do so for you. It’s important that each business (or plant!) has a tailored approach, completely independent to its environment and audience.
  • What environment is required? This question may seem odd when thinking of business but environment is key. Firstly, does your business need to stand independent? E.g does your team need to work solely to succeed or does it need to be surrounded by others in order to thrive and offer the best service possible?

Where does your business need to be based? If you are offering a multilingual contact centre service, you may need numerous bases in order to offer the cultural offerings that will truly impact your customers. Very much like a plant, environment can be a key success to thriving and growth.

  • Preparation is key! This is something I truly stand by, in order to succeed you must be prepared. In business this surrounds each area from recruitment to finance, customer service to complaints. Firstly, you must ensure you have the right people in the right areas. I would strongly recommend you tune in to our People, Process, Profit series on our Operational Excellence Show Podcast, where Teresa Robertson of Endrick Consulting discusses all things recruitment in this candidate driven market.

Another area of preparation that firms often miss is your Operational Handbook. I realise this may be down on the list of priorities when you’re putting resources together, but I promise you this will serve you long term. To help, you can again find an episode on the Operational Excellence Show, a step by step episode on how you can put this together.

  • Self doubt is normal. As with all aspects of life, it’s highly likely there are going to be bumps in the road, and whether they be big or small ones (or even numerous ones!), it’s likely these will knock your confidence. When I first created Rutz Consulting, and even previously in my other managerial roles, I often thought. Can I do this? Why am I here? Am I the best person for this job? It would be very easy to give up at this point, but pushing through and striving for excellence will see your service grow, and achieve even more. I realise you may be questioning, what has self doubt got to do with growing plants?! But I think we can all say we’ve had experiences where you just cannot keep that one plant alive! If you haven’t, do share your tips!
  • Trust the process – whether it’s one you have implemented as a team, with an outside expert’s help or you are working through a course and implementing as you go, it’s so important to trust the process. Will you see results straight away? It’s highly likely you won’t. Will there be difficult parts? Absolutely. Excellence is not achieved overnight, neither does a plant flower. You must be resilient and stick to your plan, I promise, you will see results. You can check out one of our Case Studies to see how we implemented such a process with one of our clients. I can promise this was not a quick fix, but rather a period of hard work and determination to provide a truly excellent service history. Success Story – Signify

Growing your service offering within your business is not easy, but I sincerely hope and believe that the above areas are the first steps to help you get there. At Rutz Consulting we offer a wealth of services, so please do not hesitate to reach out if we can be of any assistance.